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Rods, Reels and Combos are outfits that will provide performance you need for challaengin game fish on the flats.

There should be something for every budget and you do not need to break the bank to get started.

Regarding the 'Best Quality' gear, you can spend more but I am not sure you can get better results.


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Bass Pro Shops Outdoors Online: saltwater

These rods, reels and combos will provide good results on the flats.

Good Quality
Bass Pro Shops ‚ Pro Qualifier ‚ Spinning Combo
This is a Bass Pro branded reel that offers a good value combined with a rod that will handle most of the game on the flats

Better Quality
Bass Pro ShopsÇ Tourney SpecialÇ Round Baitcast Reel and Rod Combo
This is a Bass Pro branded reel that offers a good value combined with a rod that will handle most of the game on the flats. I have a couple of bait casters and find that for spoons or lures which may have line twist they work better than the spinning outfits. If you have not used one before there is a small learning curve to cast but it is worth the effort. I have this outfit and would highly recommend it.

Best Quality
ShimanoÇ CuradoÇ Reel and Inshore Extreme Rod Combo
This is a better quality biatcaster and rod combo for those who prefer the Shimano to the Bass Pro branded reel.

ShimanoÇ Stradic Reel and Inshore Extreme’ Rod Combo - ST2500FH/IES668
This is the reel that is most recommended by flats anglers I know. It is paired with a very nice Bass Pro brand rod. I have this outfit in last years model. The new one is even better. Several sizes to choose from. The 2500 with a 7' medium rod is suggested.

Penn Slammer‚ Reel and Inshore Extreme‚ Rod Combo 260/360/460/560
I needed an outfit to handle tarpon and this was my choice. I really like this reel. The rod is a great performer and a bargain even bought separately. The smaller models are great for all flats gamefish. These reels are built to withstand tough conditions.
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