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Tackle and Lures includes some of the things I use regularly on the flats. There are so many great lures and as many opinions on what is 'the' best lure for any situation or game fish.

Some of lures listed offer the same function as more expensive models at a bargain price.


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Some of the lures I have had success with on the flats.

Lew's‚ Speed Lures - Pencil - Red Head AK100-904
This is a good looking walking top water at a great price.

MirrOlure‚ Top Pup - Black/Orange/Gold - 3-1/2" 74MR808
You may want to be a little more subtle than the full size Top Dog.

MirrOlure‚ Top Dog - Chartreuse/Pearl - 4-3/4" 94MRCFPR
This is the default top water lure. Choose your color. Casts forever and makes lots of noise to call those reds, snook and gator trout.

Johnson‚ Original Silver MinnowŐ Spoon - 1/2 oz - Chrome 70201 1/2 OZ
Johnson‚ Original Silver MinnowŐ Spoon - 3/4 oz - Chrome 70301 3/4 OZ
Just my opinion (well not just mine, there are other believers) but do not go out without the SILVER spoon. Reds, snook and trout are all interested.

Johnson‚ Original Silver MinnowŐ Spoon - 1/2 oz - Gold 70203 1/2 OZ
Johnson‚ Original Silver MinnowŐ Spoon - 3/4 oz - Gold 70303 3/4 OZ
For those who still think you need the gold spoon for reds.
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