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Camping Gear includes equipment for campers that need to consider packing space.

Items that provide for comfort no matter the size will be listed as well.


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Bass Pro Shops Outdoors Online:  CampingThe equipment listed here is selected based on 'packability' for the overall size. Included in the list are single person backpack tents and more spacious 2 and 4 person tents and assorted sleeping bags.

I like the 'Clip Flashlight' for the quick set up offered by the clips and the tall peak which gives a little breathing room in a compact tent.

Clip Flashlight CD Tent - 2 Person Tent

Eureka! Timberline® Original A-Frame Tent - 4 Man - Green

Eureka! Timberline® Original A-Frame Tent - 2 Man - Green

Eureka! Apex 2XT Tent

Tent Repair Kit

Tent Stake Mallet/Puller

Several of these bags and mattresses are very compact. Easy to pack in a paddle craft or take along in the skiff and leave room to fish.

Therma-RestÇ GuideLite’ and UltrLite Self-Inflating Mattresses

Therm-a-RestÇ Self-Inflating Sleeping Pads
Slightly thicker than the GuideLite/UltraLite

Waterproof Stuff Sacks for Camp Rest Mattresses
Keep your sleeping gear dry!

Bass Pro ShopsÇ Mummy Sleeping Bag BPM-1 20°

KeltyÇ Clear Creek Sleeping Bag 64" X 81"

KeltyÇ Light Top Sleeping Bag 55
This is an ideal solution for warm climates, easy to pack and carry.

KeltyÇ Stratus 35 Mummy Sleeping Bag - STRATUS 35

Superpacker Bag

RedHeadÇ Camp Pillow

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